Hojicha - green tea that isn't green 

The term Hojicha refers to green tea that is roasted. 

Due to the unique taste of Hojicha caused by the roasting process, Hojicha has gained rapid popularity worldwide. 

Hojicha is just like Matcha's less well-known brother - more zesty, less vegetal. 

Together, they make a pretty good combo, especially if you are looking for an alternative to standard Matcha / green tea

Hojicha vs Green Tea

Although considered a green tea, hojicha comes in different shades that range from light to dark brown. 

This is due in large part to the roasting process. It not only changes the color and taste of the tea it also reduces the bitterness and levels of caffeine. 

If Hojicha is roasted using the twigs and not the leaves, then the caffeine levels are even lower. 

When do you drink Hojicha?

The low levels of caffeine and enjoyable taste make Hojicha a mild, tasty tea that can be enjoyed at any time. 

For many people, they have a cup after a meal to help with relaxation.

Hojicha can also be used with milk to create a Hojicha Latte - one of the many popular ways to enjoy it! 

Barista Uji Hojicha Powder (30g/100g)

Origins of Hojicha

Although the common notion of most teas is that they were developed hundreds of years ago, Hojicha was not created until the 1920s in Kyoto, Japan. 

Due to it's unique flavour, it became popular quickly and was a staple of Japanese teas over the following decades. 

After World War II, Hojicha began to become known around the world and it has made its way across Asia into Europe and even America. 

How is Hojicha made? 

The roasting of green tea is done in a porcelain pot over charcoal. This is different than most Japanese teas that are steamed. 

The most common element in hojicha is bancha, which is a common tea that is usually harvested late in the year after most other tea leaves have been collected. 

However, you can make hojicha from other types of tea such as kukicha or sencha which is usually made from the twigs of a tea plant, not the leaves. 

Creating the tea is simple enough. You begin with green tea that has been steamed to prevent oxidation. This means that all the nutrients are preserved in the tea itself. 

At this point, the tea is placed in a drum with rotates and roasts the tea at temperatures near 400 degrees Fahrenheit. The tea is then cooled and ready for consumption.

With Hojicha Powder, the roasted Hojicha leaves are placed into a stone mill and prepared in the same way as Matcha - by grinding of the Hojicha leaves into a fine powder.

Hojicha as an alternative to Matcha

Having gone through several different types of Hojicha, we've selected Craft Tea Fox Uji Hojicha Powder for making the perfect latte.

Barista Uji Hojicha Powder (30g/100g)

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